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Microsoft Desktop Player

MSDN TechNet Flash has announced Microsoft Desktop Player, now it is in Beta, it can be accessed through the official website which is Silverlight based: I also installed the desktop version, the desktop version is not a Silverlight OOB, instead, it is a traditional Winform, see screenshot below:

Study EVM (Earned Value Management) - Part 2

Once the CPI/SPI were calculated at some time-stamp, project manager should be deeper analyses, he need to predict the future cost: ETC (Estimate To Completion) Then EAC (Estimate At Completion) = AC + ETC How to calculate ETC based on current situation (EV/AC/PV and SPI&CPI), there are usually three methods: Regardless of current Schedule/Cost Performance Index This way is simple, I don’t care what’s happened, EAC = BAC + EAC – AC, in other words, project team is confident to finish the project below estimated cost. Estimated based on current CPI This way is stra...


对于已经石化的我,你们这点小小的努力对我来说算不得什么,反正,anyway,你们爱怎么搞怎么搞 ^ 我已经十分清楚自己想要什么。 I insert a flag here today, and I know some day I will pull it out and leave:)

Study EVM (Earned Value Management) – Part 1

During the past few days I was studying Project Time Management in PMBOK, for preparing the upcoming PMP exam on 4th December 2010, while I spent a few hours on understanding/mastering EVM, I log my memory here EVM stands for Eearned Value Management, it is a complementary for Critical Path Method schedule management, its purpose could be described as “What did we get for the money we spent?” the definition of is in Wikipedia is below: Earned value management (EVM) is a project management technique for measuring project progress in an objective manner. EVM has the ability to combine me...

A complete Impersonation Demo in C#.NET

Under some scenarios we need impersonate another Windows account and do some work under that user’s session, for example: An enterprise ASP.NET web application provides server administrators’ ability to access the server under some specific privilege set; Server admin input their NT account information (domain\account + password) on the page, we need get WinNT Access Token and then impersonate this server user, so that we acquire its specific privilege and do the things ONLY THIS ACCOUNT CAN DO. We developed a Windows Service which needs internet access periodically, but a specific user ...

Programmatically PIN shortcut onto Taskbar on Win7

Background During my work I got one requirement of pinning a specific shortcut file (*.lnk) onto the Windows 7 Taskbar, after investigating I found programmtically achive this is “not permitted”, refer MSDN article: A small set of applications are pinned by default for new installations. Other than these, only the user can pin further applications; programmatic pinning by an application is not permitted. However, the exception comes from Windows Script Hosting, a snippet of VBscript can achieve my requirement, I read severa...

Encrypt .Net Configuration file

Under some scenarios the developers want to encrypt some sections inside app.config or web.config file, this article How To: Encrypt Configuration Sections in ASP.NET 2.0 Using RSA describes how to do so clearly, Scott Guthrie also posted one: Encrypting Web.Config Values in ASP.NET 2.0. However, in the posts above they uses aspnet_regiis.exe and seems it doesn’t directly support app.config, if we want to encrypt app.config for Windows Form or WPF applications, while I tried use it to encrypt my app.config file, it generates a web.config which means my Winform definitely can’t use it, even...

2010年5月23日 - 属于Nerazzurri的一天

意大利当地时间5月22日晚,国际米兰2:0击败拜仁慕尼黑获得09-10年度欧洲冠军杯,同时一举获得“三冠王”,成为意大利历史上第一支获取三冠王的球队! 这一夜,对于全世界所有的Nerazzurri而言,是无比骄傲与幸福的!国际米兰经历一个漫长而艰难赛季,最终没有留下任何遗憾!电话门之后最困难的赛季,意大利杯战胜死敌罗马,欧冠半决赛淘汰上赛季六冠王巴萨!他们创造了历史!这样的球队配得上所有的赞美,国米完成一个完美的赛季! 在全场结束哨声吹响的那一刻,在萨队举起大耳朵杯的那一刻,在整个伯纳乌响彻《Pazza Inter》的那一刻,熬了一整夜有些疲惫的我,嘴角浮现出一丝微笑,眼里也有一点点幸福的泪水。我在电视机镜头里看见很多Nerazzurri留下幸福的泪水,无论男女老少,作为中国球迷我也许没有他们的感触那么深刻,但是,从96年开始,我便开始喜欢这支蓝黑色的球队,因为他对冠军的强烈渴望,因为他高贵而忧郁的气质,因为他有很多我喜欢的球星,因为他有一个慈祥善良的主席。。。更因为,他一次又一次的倒在成功的路上:球星黑洞,换帅如麻,阵容强大但发挥极不稳定,一到关键时刻就掉链子。。。联赛关键战役输给尤文(金童皮耶罗的成名之作),最后一轮输给拉齐奥(罗纳尔多的泪水),0:6惨败同城对手AC米兰,所有这些痛苦的经历,从来没有让我改变过对他的关注,欣赏和喜爱;相反,一次又一次的伤心与失望,让懵...

Personal Schedule Management Tool

Time is always ticking no matter you care it or you don’t care it, everyone knows it including myself, to remind myself don’t waste too much time on gaming, reading news or something else, I developed a little tool which I call it “Personal Schedule Management Tool” to achieve this simple goal. Mechanism I create an XML file to store a serial of [time stamp/task to do] pairs, the tool will start with Windows and load the XML file, a working timer behind it will periodically check whether there is a task needs to be done at defined time stamp, once the condition is matched, the tool will ...

[转]揭秘朝鲜自主操作系统:红星Red Star

据国外资讯网站RT报道,朝鲜(North Korea)不仅拥有自主的、与基于美国的万维网相互独立的区域网络,而且还拥有自行研发的红星Red Star操作系统。据悉,红星OS是去年由朝鲜IT技术人员在Linux操作系统的基础上改进而来的。俄罗斯学者Mikhail利用他在金日成大学交流之际获得了这款红星OS。他花费了5美元在距离宿舍五分钟步行路程的地方购得两张安装光盘。系统共分为客户端和服务器两种版本,第三方软件可以另外花钱购买。 废话不多说,下面就让我们一睹为快:   1、拆包后的安装盘,上下共两张; 图(1)   2、启动Logo画面,红星OS支持硬盘或网络下载安装,整个过程约为10-25分钟。启动安装程序后,用户会发现整个过程与Windows十分相似,但更加快速、简单,而且只有朝鲜语一种语言版本; 图(2)   3、登录界面:默认为Root用户名,右侧的Lim是游客账号; 图(3)   4、Red Star桌面