Programmatically PIN shortcut onto Taskbar on Win7
During my work I got one requirement of pinning a specific shortcut file (*.lnk) onto the Windows 7 Taskbar, after investigating I found programmtically achive this is “not permitted”, refer MSDN article:
A small set of applications are pinned by default for new installations. Other than these, only the user can pin further applications; programmatic pinning by an application is not permitted.
However, the exception comes from Windows Script Hosting, a snippet of VBscript can achieve my requirement, I read several articles (refer the end of this post) and wrote two VBS scripts showing below:
Pin to Taskbar
Option Explicit 'Const CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS = &H17 Dim ShellApp, FSO, Desktop Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Set StartMenuFolder = ShellApp.NameSpace(CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS) Set Desktop = ShellApp.NameSpace("C:\Users\Wayne\Desktop") Dim LnkFile LnkFile = Desktop.Self.Path&"\ScheduleNotifier.lnk" If(FSO.FileExists(LnkFile)) Then Dim tmp, verb 'For Each verb in Desktop.ParseName("ScheduleNotifier.lnk").Verbs 'tmp = tmp&verb&chr(13) 'Next 'MsgBox(tmp) Dim desktopImtes, item Set desktopImtes = Desktop.Items() For Each item in desktopImtes If (item.Name = "ScheduleNotifier") Then 'MsgBox(item.Name) For Each verb in item.Verbs If (verb.Name = "Pin to Tas&kbar") Then 'If (verb.Name = "锁定到任务栏(&K)") verb.DoIt End If Next End If Next End If Set FSO = Nothing Set ShellApp = Nothing
Unpin from Taskbar
Option Explicit 'Const CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS = &H17 Dim ShellApp, FSO, Desktop Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Set StartMenuFolder = ShellApp.NameSpace(CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS) Set Desktop = ShellApp.NameSpace("C:\Users\Wayne\Desktop") Dim LnkFile LnkFile = Desktop.Self.Path&"\ScheduleNotifier.lnk" If(FSO.FileExists(LnkFile)) Then Dim tmp, verb 'For Each verb in Desktop.ParseName("ScheduleNotifier.lnk").Verbs 'tmp = tmp&verb&chr(13) 'Next 'MsgBox(tmp) Dim desktopImtes, item Set desktopImtes = Desktop.Items() For Each item in desktopImtes If (item.Name = "ScheduleNotifier") Then 'MsgBox(item.Name) For Each verb in item.Verbs If (verb.Name = "Unpin from Tas&kbar") Then 'If (verb.Name = "从任务栏脱离(&K)") verb.DoIt End If Next End If Next End If Set FSO = Nothing Set ShellApp = Nothing
Although two snippets of VBS code are simple and stright-forward, they has on serious limitation, it only support one specified language, attention of this line of code:
(verb.Name =
"Pin to Tas&kbar"
'If (verb.Name = "锁定到任务栏(&K)")
On Chinese locale, I have to replace “Pin to Tas&kbar” with “锁定到任务栏(&K)”, so in order to support more languages I need to know each exact {Pin sentence} to do the pinning, you know, google translation won’t always work in this case:), so I definitely don’t want to do that…
You probably ask WHY??? Because FolderItemVerb object only has one property: Name, and Name is definitely “language sensitive“, MSDN does mention there are two more properties “Application” and “Parent” however they are “Not implemented”.
Several tips
%AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar
Rem Pining OEM Welcome Center app on task barReg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\TBDEn /v SBOEM0 /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d “SomeFile.lnk” /f
Pin Items to the Start Menu or Windows 7 Taskbar via Script
Pin and Un-pin items to/from the Windows 7 taskbar
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